World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges - May 7-10, 2008
The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the District of Columbia (DC), will host the 9th World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges in the United States of America, in the City of Washington, DC., in
May 7-10, 2008.
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial will be hosting a reception for the attendees on Thursday evening.
Welcome from the Executive Secretary of the World Conference
My brothers, it is a great privilege for me as Executive Secretary of the World Conference of Masonic Grand Lodges to extend a most sincere invitation to you to attend the IX World Conference to be held in Washington, DC. It is only the second time that the conference has been held in North America, the other being the III World Conference held in New York City in1998 when our Constitution was drafted.
As you know, Washington, DC is the capital of the United States of America and carries with it much of the symbolism of the free world. It also, however, carries much Masonic symbolism as well and I hope that you will take the opportunity, to be with us and to learn more of the significance that Freemasonry has made in the erection of this great city and the development of our democratic society.
I have been very much impressed with the amount of effort and energy that the committee has been putting into the structuring of this conference. They contacted me immediately following the close of the VIII World Conference held in Paris and have been working diligently to make this conference an outstanding one. It is always the intent when structuring the World Conference to make it not only informative and worthwhile for its Masonic purpose but to make it enjoyable and memorable as well and this, the committee has been doing. You will be pleasantly impressed with some of the programs being developed.
Several themes have been selected for this conference, which notes the need for the philosophy of the craft to expose its relevancy in today's society while at the same time reminding us of our need of self-examination.
Because of exposure of Freemasonry in the present day worldwide media as well as an increase in historical publications there has been a renewed interest in the philosophical purpose of our organization. Young men are approaching our doors with inquisitiveness into the esoteric aspects as to what we are. However, ignorance of purpose by our own membership has tended to dull our appreciation of the impact that Freemasonry has had on the evolution of our civil societies and its potential for the future. If we are to take advantage of this renewed interest it becomes vital for us to more fully understand ourselves.
The World Conference has provided an environment wherein the leadership of Craft Masonry can gather together and discuss these universal needs while at the same time comprehending the variables that distinguishes Freemasonry in different parts of the world. The conference has consistently impressed the need for a total commitment to the support of Regular Freemasonry while at the same time emphasizing the need for universal cooperation.
My brothers, Freemasons imbued with the philosophical beliefs of our craft have been in the forefront, leading the way for the development of worldwide civilization for centuries. It has survived ongoing changes in societal structure while remaining relevant when most other organizations, many modeled after our craft, have become extinct. We have remained because our philosophical purpose remained relevant to all societies and to all generations. Technological change is requiring that we more than ever must understand one another and work together to remain relevant to future societal structure. Thus, the themes of the Conference.
I look forward with great anticipation to greeting you as friends and brothers in Washington, DC where we will renew our commitments of making this world a better place to live through the philosophical purpose of Freemasonry.
Sincere Fraternal Regards,
Thomas W. Jackson
Executive Secretary
Please visit the World Conference Website for additional information.

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