W.Bro. Brent Morris installed as Master of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (EC)
The Installation of Officers of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 (EC), Thursday, 8 November 2007 at 5:00 pm, FMH, GQS, London.
Bro. S. Brent Morris, ME, will be installed as Worshipful Master, the first US citizen in the history of the lodge to attain that masonic honour.
The Inaugural Address by the WM - "Itinerant American Masonic Lecturers" - (Synopsis: The spread of Freemasonry in the United States was supported by itinerant Masonic lecturers, sometimes appointed by Grand Lodges but often operating as independent entrepreneurs. They taught Craft ritual based on William Preston's lecturers as rearranged and edited by Thomas Smith Webb of Massachusetts, which is the basis of the ritual in nearly all American Grand Lodges. They also taught the Royal Arch and Knights Templar rituals, sold ritual monitors and regalia, and peddled other degrees and orders).
Bro. Morris was initiated in Highland Park (now Louis G. Priester) Lodge No. 1150, in Dallas, Texas, in 1971. He was the founder of the SRRS in 1991, and is a member of many Masonic orders.
Bro. Brent Morris is a regular
contributor of PS Review of Freemasonry
his papers

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