Exhibit of anti-Masonic Items at The H. Coil Library & Museum of FM
Nob Hill Masonic Center
Hosts Exhibit of Ant-Masonic Art and Artifacts
Gallery show featuring rare items from the 18th-20th centuries to run until
October 1, 2007
San Francisco, April 16, 2007 - The Henry Wilson Coil Library & Museum of
Freemasonry is hosting an exhibit of anti-Masonic items from around the world at the
Nob Hill Masonic Center (1111 California Street). The show, entitled “Sacking the
Temple,” is open Mondays from 10-3, Wednesdays from 10-5, and Thursdays from noon
to 8 pm until October 1. Exhibit visits are also available by appointment.
"It may seem unusual to have this kind of art on display at the Grand Lodge, but Anti-Masonry is really an integral part of our history," says exhibit curator Adam Kendall.
"Whether we like it or not, there has always been strong opposition to Freemasonry and
we shouldn't be afraid to confront it."
The exhibit includes American and European rare books, photographs and other artifacts
that feature anti-Masonic writing and art, religious tracts which highlight purported ties
between Masonry and devil worship, and several official documents produced by
totalitarian governments in the 1930s and 40s, including anti-Masonic stamps from
Serbia and posters from Nazi Germany.
For more information on the exhibit, contact:
Adam Kendall, Curator of Collections

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