Prof. Prescott resigns from the Centre for Research into Freemasonry
Some sad news. I am resigning as
Director of the Centre for Research into
Freemasonry to take up a new post as
Manager of Library Services at the
University of Wales Lampeter. I will
be taking up new post on 1 March 2007. The
University of Sheffield has
expressed its continuing commitment to, and
enthusiasm for, the work of the
Centre for Research into Freemasonry, and will
shortly be advertising for my
My reasons for moving are entirely
personal. I am very fond of West Wales, a
very beautiful part of the world,
and have long thought that I might move there
at some time. As you can imagine,
jobs of the right sort are difficult to find
in such a rural area. The University
Library at Lampeter is a quite remarkable
collection, including over 20,000
rare books, pamphlets and manuscripts, many
bequeathed by the founder of the
institution in 1829 (and including some
interesting masonic material). UWL
is making a major investment in this
collection and is building a new
research centre to house it, which I will
direct. The opportunity of enhancing
the profile of this fascinating collection
and creating new links between
library collections and researchers in a part of
the world which I like very much has
proved irresistible, and I have decided
I leave with many regrets, not least
because I will no longer be able to spend
my time exploring the entrancing
subject area of freemasonry and fraternalism
and using such fascinating libraries
and archives as the Library and Museum of
Freemasonry. Above all, I shall miss
the support, fellowship and comradeship of
other researchers and enthusiasts
for this subject area. It would have been
nice to have helped expand the work
of the CRF to fill our marvellous new
premises in Sheffield, but I will
leave that task to my successor with a sense
that I have shown what can be done.
However, as the moment of departure
has approached, I realise that it is a good
thing that I am moving on at this
stage. Because the CRF has inevitably been
something of a one man band, this
has created a false impression that progress
in this area (at least in Britain)
is very dependent on me. It is not. This is
a rich subject area of research
which will support the efforts of many
researchers, as our vibrant European
networks demonstrate. As I put it in
announcing my departure to the
Sheffield Masonic Study Circle last night:-
"There is a terrible danger of
thinking that only I can do this job and that I
am somehow specially qualified to do
this research into Freemasonry. If we go
on thinking in this way, we will
find that when, in the fullness of time, my
retirement beckons, it will indeed
be difficult to carry on the work of the
Centre, and it will fizzle out. I am
not particularly special as a researcher
just a jobbing librarian and curator
(a kind of Rumpole of the Library) and
if I can find interesting things
about freemasonry, anyone can. If I pass on
the torch to somebody else now, you
will see that is the case, and I think the
academic interest in freemasonry
will thereby be strengthened."
The seminar series of the Centre for
Research into Freemasonry will continue
after my departure. Further details
will be sent to you shortly. In the
meantime, please note that the next
CRF seminar is on Tuesday 6 February at 1pm
when Gill Cookson of the Victoria
History of the County of Durham will speak on
'Freemasonry in Sunderland'. Please
note that this seminar will be held in the
Sheffield Bioincubator, which is
immediately opposite the HRI building
On Tuesday 20 February at 1pm in the
Douglas Knoop Centre, 34 Gell Street,
Sheffield S3 7QY, I will be giving a
'farewell lecture' entitled 'A History of
British Freemasonry 1425-2000'. The
seminar will be chaired by Professor David
Luscombe FBA, who, when he was
Director of Humanities Research in the
University of Sheffield oversaw the
establishment of the Centre. Light
refreshments will be available
With my very best and most fraternal
wishes to you all