The Commission on Information for Recognition: 2011 Report
The Commission on Information for Recognition
2011 Report
The two groups representing the Grand Lodge of Baja California have now worked
out an agreement that has unified them again into one regular Grand Lodge. The
leaders of the two groups have signed the agreement, and have assured it will be
ratified by both groups. The Grand Lodge of Baja California has now satisfied
the standards for recognition.
There continues to be no progress in the unification of Freemasonry in Bulgaria.
Since they have previously been determined to meet the standards for
recognition, there is no interest on the part of the United Grand Lodge of
Bulgaria in entering discussions with the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Bulgaria, either
for unification or for establishing a treaty to share the jurisdiction. Both of
these Grand Lodges appear to practice regular Masonry, and both were of the same
origin until they split in 2001. This Commission has urged the two Grand Lodges
to resolve their differences for the past seven years to no avail; therefore
this issue will not be addressed again until the brethren in Bulgaria reach some
type of agreement.
The United Grand Lodge of England and the Grand Lodge of Cyprus have reached an
accord whereby they will both share the jurisdiction of Cyprus, and have
established fraternal relations among themselves. The Grand Lodge of Cyprus
therefore now meets all the standards for recognition.
The Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic informed us that an irregular body calling
itself the Czech National Grand Lodge was recently created by a group of
dissident members who defected and formed this new organization. This group
should not be given any consideration for recognition, as the Grand Lodge of the
Czech Republic is the only Grand Lodge there that meets the standards for
The Grande Loge Nationale Reguliere de la Principaute de Monaco was consecrated
on February 19, 2011, by the United Grand Lodge of England in association with
the Grand Lodge of Germany and the Grande Loge Nationale Francaise. It appears
this new Grand Lodge will meet the standards for recognition, and will be
entitled to consideration by our Grand Lodges when requested.
The National Grand Lodge of Romania has informed us that a group of Masons
expelled from the United National Grand Lodge of Romania, which itself is not
recognized, have formed an association called National Grand Lodge Romania 1880.
This group is in no way connected to, or sanctioned by the National Grand Lodge
of Romania, which is the only Grand Lodge there that meets the standards for
A request was received from the Gran Logia Simbolica de Espana e Iberia to
review their credentials for Masonic recognition. Although they appear to
practice regular Masonry, they did not provide the origin of the lodges that
compose this Grand Lodge. More importantly, they do not have a treaty or compact
to share the jurisdiction with the Grand Lodge of Spain; therefore, they do not
meet the standards for recognition established by this Conference. At this time,
the Grand Lodge of Spain is the only Grand Lodge here the meets the standards
for recognition.
A group has surfaced with a website
named, Their stated purpose is that it is time to hold the
actions of Grand Lodges and their officers accountable to the Masonic world as
a whole. They intend to post a new leak once a week for the next few months.
The leaks appear to be stories from members who feel they have been wronged by
the trial system of their Grand Lodge or by decisions of their Grand Master.
An organization is being
incorporated in the state of Wisconsin named “The Foundation of Universal
Freemasonry”, which states it is a Confederation of Independent Masonic Lodges
dedicated to the cause of universal Freemasonry. In their draft statement of
principles, one article states, “Every Freemason is entitled to all the rights
and freedoms set forth in this Statement of Principles, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.” Another
article states, “The Annual communication shall have an altar upon which will
be places A Blank Book, The Atheists Bible, and The World Scriptures.” You may
view this in its entirety at,
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