Midwest Conference on Masonic Edu, 61st Annual May 7-9, 2010 - Call for Papers
Midwest Conference on Masonic Edcuation
61st Annual May 7 - 9, 2010
Independence, MO
Educate to Motivate
Planning has started for the 61st Annual Conference! The conference will be held in Independence, MO, the home of President and Brother Harry S. Truman.
We will be taking a tour of the Truman Library, which is just minutes from the conference center.
The Missiouri Jurisdiction is already hard at work putting together another outstanding conference.
for more information: Midwest Masonic Education
Call for Papers
Suggested topics for presentations include (but are not limited to):
Implementing Masonic education or education programs in general
The mechanics of Masonic education-- e.g., presentation skills, research skills, or building a dynamic presentation
Promoting and advertising Masonic education
Implementing Masonic education in lodges
Content for Masonic Education--e.g., a presentation that could be used in a Masonic Education Program, such as a talk on Masonic history, practice, theory, etc.
Other topics involving structuring and successfully leading Masonic Education, or other items of Masonic interest.
How to Submit:
Send to Selection Committe a proposal of 200-250 words that provides a title for your presentation, and then explains what you will be doing in your presentation, why it?s important, what the attendees will learn, and giving an idea of the content you will be presenting.
In your proposal, provide complete contact information, including your address, phone number, and email address.
All proposals should be in Microsoft Word .doc format, .rtf format, .txt format, or .pdf format.
Please indicate what type of visuals or other presentation materials you will be using, e.g. PowerPoint, slides, handouts, etc. You are responsible for providing handout copies.
All accepted presentations will have their final versions posted beforehand on the Conference web site Therefore, submission of a proposal for consideration indicates your agreement to have the presentation posted on the web site, if accepted.
The conference committee will decide which presentations will be delivered at the conference.
Send all submissions to: Selection Committee
What Happens Next:
The Selection Committee will review each submission and inform the author if his or her program outline has been selected for presentation at the Conference. If selected, the author must submit a final presentation version to be posted on the web site.
The deadlines for submissions are:
Program outlines: November 1, 2009
Notification of selected presenters for the Conference: November 15, 2009
Final presentations (to be published on web site) March 15, 2010.

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